Peerless Provides Disinfectant Services for First Responders
Peerless Cleaning & Restoration Services has announced that we will be providing free disinfectant services for first responder vehicles during the COVID-19 pandemic. We want to make sure all of first responders are able to stay safe while keeping our communities protected. Peerless is big supporter of our first responders and we understand that…
Read MoreWhy and How to Clean your Phone during the COVID-19 Pandemic
With the recent pandemic and outbreak of the COVID-19 virus, it is very important to keep touchpoints clean to help stop the spread of the virus. One of our most commonly touched items, if not THE MOST commonly touched item, is our phone and its touch screen. We’re going to dive in and give…
Read MoreCOVID-19, Protection and Prevention Steps
As your trusted local cleaning experts for 75 years, Peerless Cleaning & Restoration would like to share steps you can take to help lower your risk, potentially prevent exposure, slow the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus. What we do know so far is that the virus is spread through close contact of respiratory…
Read MoreProper Touchpoint Cleaning
As your trusted local cleaning experts for 75 years, Peerless Cleaning & Restoration would like to share with you the proper steps to clean touchpoints. Touchpoints are high-traffic areas that a person often comes in contact with such as doorknobs, light switches, keyboards, phones, elevator buttons, and much more. These areas are considered high-risk…
Read MoreCleaning & Disinfection Methods
Peerless Cleaning & Restoration Services has been in business for 75 years and has always served the community and its customers in times of emergency or critical circumstances. Peerless is aware and understands the concerns of many families, businesses, and organizations around the country and especially right here in Central Illinois during the Covid-19…
Read More5 Tips for Keeping your Dog Calm this 4th of July!
We love to celebrate the Fourth of July and all of its wonderful things, but our furry friends often have other opinions of this holiday. Firework displays putting off loud booms and flashes of light, and parties with many strange guests and smells, the Fourth of July can be stressful for your dog or…
Read MoreFrozen Pipes, What to do…
Frozen Pipes – What to look for and what to do… Freezing temperatures bring along many possible issues, especially for your home. When the temperature starts dropping below 0 degrees, we often begin to see frozen pipes causing havoc in people’s homes. But what can you do about frozen pipes in your home? Water is unique…
Read MoreHow to stay warm in freezing temperatures!
Want to know how to stay warm in freezing temperatures? Well, we will be seeing windchills upwards of -30+ degrees this week! Your home will struggle to maintain temperatures, if not completely fail all together. As your water damage experts, we commonly see this issue cause many broken pipes! Just a simple 1/8…
Read MoreSpring Showers: The Do’s & Don’ts When Your Home Has Water Damage
Oh, the infamous spring showers. They can be cool and refreshing or your worst nightmare. A soothing light rain between the hours of 1:00am and 5:00am is just what the doctor ordered for greening grass and growing flowers. The hypnotizing sound can induce a great night’s sleep as you dream of flowers opening up as the…
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